Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ahead of the publication of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, researchers have called for the US government to drop recommended restrictions on total fat consumption. The researchers state that healthful fats such as those found in nuts, vegetable oils and fish can protect against illnesses such as cardiovascular disease. The paper, published in JAMA is written by Dr. Buy Mestinon (Pyridostigmine Bromide) without prescription Dariush Mozaffarian from the Friedman School of Nutritional Science & Policy at Tufts University and Dr. Buy Lipitor (Atorvastatin) with free prescription David Ludwig from the Boston Children s Hospital. In the paper, the researchers discuss one of the new recommendations made by the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee (GDAC), an independent group of scientists tasked with reviewing existing scientific and medical research on nutrition. A lot of recent debate has centered around the GDAC s recommendations that a diet higher in plant-based foods is better for the environment than one based more on meat and that taxing sugary snacks and drinks could improve diets. About Maxalt (Rizatriptan) with free prescription In their paper, however, the researchers focus on a recommendation that may be receiving less attention. For the first time since 1980, the technical report of the GDAC did not include a recommendation for the restriction of total fat consumption. Avita with no prescription "We wanted the emphasis to be on fat quality rather than total fat, because the evidence really emphasizes that saturated fat is the driver of risk rather than total fat intake," says Barbara Millen, chair of the DGAC. Dr. Ovral (Ethinyl estradiol / Norgestrel) with no prescription Mozaffarian supports this, stating that placing limits on total fat intake has no basis and leads to poor decisions from both industry and consumers: "Modern evidence clearly shows that eating more foods rich in healthful fats like nuts, vegetable oils, and fish have protective effects, particularly for cardiovascular disease. Buy Dairy online Other fat-rich foods, like whole milk and cheese, appear pretty neutral; while many low-fat foods, like low-fat deli meats, fat-free salad dressing, and baked potato chips, are no better and often even worse than full-fat alternatives. It s the food that matters, not its fat content." When the dietary guidelines began to recommend low-fat diets, the consumption of low-fat and non-fat products increased. These foods often contain refined grains and added sugars that are associated with increased metabolic dysfunction and obesity. "Lifting the restriction on total fat would clear the way for restaurants and industry to reformulate products containing more healthful fats and fewer refined grains and added sugars," says Dr. Ludwig. 2015 Dietary Guidelines For Americans: a critical opportunity Alongside dropping restrictions on total fat consumption from the dietary guidelines, Dr. Mozaffarian and Dr. Ludwig call for the limit on fat intake to be lifted by numerous government agencies and food programs. One such program is the National School Lunch program that recently banned whole milk from its menus while retaining sugar-sweetened non-fat milk. Other targets include the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who regulate food package labeling and issue diet advice to families and children respectively. "From agriculture to food producers to school cafeterias to restaurants, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans serve as a beacon for countless dietary choices in the public and private sector," states Dr. Mozaffarian. "With obesity and chronic disease impacting public health so deeply, we can t miss this critical opportunity to improve the food supply." Not everyone agrees with this viewpoint, however. Lisa Moskovitz, a registered dietitian, told Yahoo Health removing restrictions on total fat consumption might not automatically lead consumers to follow balanced, healthy diets. "If there are no guidelines on how much fat they should be eating, there is a chance that they will eat more fat and, as a result, consume less high-fiber, whole-grain carbohydrates and muscle-preserving lean proteins," she warns. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will refer to the DGAC report when drawing up the final 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines are due to be published toward the end of the year. "The USDA and HHS must use the 2015 guidelines to send the message that limiting total fat provides no benefits and actually leads to confusion and bad dietary choices," Dr. Mozaffarian concludes. A research letter published in JAMA recently revealed that more than two-thirds of Americans are estimated to be either overweight or obese. Written by James McIntosh

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Doctors in bitter divide over e-cigarettes

Are e-cigarettes giving tobacco companies the means to appear benign while actually "killing people softly" or are the alternatives offering the best chance of reducing harm from cigarette smoking? Doctors are bitterly divided over the question. Glamorizing cigarette smoking or saving lives? An article in The BMJ reports from both sides of the debate. Buy Kamagra Soft (Sildenafil Citrate) without Rx Simon Capewell, professor of public health and policy at the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society at the UK s University of Liverpool, tells the journal he is suspicious of big tobacco. Prof. Namenda (Memantine) Capewell argues that if the big tobacco companies were genuinely concerned about the disease and the harm they caused, "they would cease production - end of discussion. Vantin (Cefpodoxime) without prescription They would go into e-cigarette production 100%." Instead, tobacco companies are cynically acting to worm their ways into public bodies, pretending to be part of the solution and deflecting attention away from the harm they do, argue such public health experts. The argument against e-cigarettes also says they help to glamorize and renormalize smoking. About Aspirin with no prescription But such an idea is given a strongly-worded dismissal by one organization that has previously been an arch-enemy of the tobacco companies but now appears alongside them at conferences. Deborah Arnott, chief executive of the UK charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), says: "There are people in the public health community who are obsessed by e-cigarettes. Buy Professional Pack-20 () with free prescription This idea that it renormalizes smoking is absolute bullshit. Buy Cleaver's Herb online There is no evidence so far that it is a gateway into smoking for young people." Arnott asks: "Do you want the tobacco industry to carry on making cigarettes which are highly addictive and kill when used as intended, or do you want them to move to a product which is much nearer licensed nicotine replacement therapy and is unlikely to kill anyone?" But the opposition remains. Public health experts against such positions include 129 who warned the World Health Organization and other public bodies not to "buy into the tobacco industry s well-documented strategy of presenting itself as a partner." The article in The BMJ characterizes the debate as divided broadly between two types of doctor - public health experts looking at the population effects, and supposedly "idealist" about the issue, and doctors in practise who have a more "pragmatic" view of potential benefits for individuals. While the debate rages, the reality of smoking versus vaping plays out. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration s Center for Tobacco Products revealed that the use of electronic cigarettes tripled among middle and high school students between 2013 and 2014. The news of the findings means that the use of e-cigarettes among this population has exceeded use of all other tobacco products - including conventional cigarettes. Much of the opposition to the developments is a result of the involvement of tobacco companies, the report in The BMJ says. "When they first came on the market, 5 or 6 years ago, there was a positive openness and curiosity" about electronic cigarettes, says Karl Fagerstr"om, a Swedish clinical psychologist and a founder of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. But after the cigarette industry became involved, the attitude changed from suspicion to opposition, he adds. Written by Markus MacGill

Friday, June 26, 2015

Almost half of Hispanics unaware they have high cholesterol, study finds

A new study of more than 16,000 Hispanic adults finds that almost half are unaware they have high cholesterol levels - a major risk factor for heart disease. Buy Kamagra Soft (Sildenafil Citrate) without Rx What is more, less than a third of those who are aware of their high cholesterol levels receive treatment. While around 45% of Hispanics have high cholesterol, almost half of them are unaware of it. Lead study author Dr. Namenda (Memantine) Carlos J. Vantin (Cefpodoxime) without prescription Rodriguez, an associate professor of medicine and epidemiology at Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston Salem, NC, and colleagues publish their findings in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US, killing around 610,000 people every year. About Aspirin with no prescription Of these deaths, more than 20% occur among Hispanics. High cholesterol - specifically, high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol - is a primary risk factor for heart disease. Buy Professional Pack-20 () with free prescription According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), people with high LDL cholesterol are twice as likely to develop heart disease than those with low levels. For their study, Dr. Buy Cleaver's Herb online Rodriguez and colleagues set out to assess awareness and management of high cholesterol among the Hispanic population - an ethnic group they note is one of the fastest growing in the US, with more than 52 million currently living in the country. 45% of Hispanics have high cholesterol, but almost half are unaware The team analyzed data of 16,415 Hispanics aged 18-75 who were a part of the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Around 45% of Hispanics are estimated to have high cholesterol levels, according to the researchers. They found that 49.3% of study participants with high cholesterol, however, did not know they were affected. Hispanics who were born in the US were more likely to be unaware of their high cholesterol levels than foreign-born Hispanics. However, awareness, treatment and control of high cholesterol increased the longer an individual had lived in the US. Obese Hispanics and those with diabetes or high blood pressure - all of which are risk factors for heart disease - were more likely to be aware of their high cholesterol levels than those without these conditions. Of participants who were aware of their high cholesterol, only 29.3% received treatment to lower it, the researchers found. Hispanic women were more likely than Hispanic men to have high cholesterol, though men were less likely than women to receive treatment for it. Younger Hispanics, women, those without health insurance, Hispanics with lower income and those with more recent US residency who were aware of their high cholesterol were least likely to have it under control. Findings indicate an unacceptable burden of risk Dr. Rodriguez notes that the lack of awareness, treatment and control of high cholesterol identified in this study is surprising. "That needs to change since awareness is the first step in prevention," he adds. Dr. Clyde W. Yancy, former president of the American Heart Association (AHA) and chief of cardiology at Northwestern University s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, IL, says these findings indicate that the AHA s goal to improve the heart health of all Americans by 2020 needs to broaden. He adds: "We cannot rest on our triumphs as nearly 50% of those Latino Americans with high cholesterol are unaware of the presence of this risk factor for heart disease and thus remain exposed to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. We should consider this as an unacceptable burden of risk and consider public health policies, community awareness and a redoubled focus on prevention in all communities at risk." In March, Medical News Today reported on a study revealing how a new cholesterol-lowering drug could halve the risk of heart attack and stroke. Written by Honor Whiteman

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Road traffic noise linked to greater death, stroke risk

People who live in areas with noisy road traffic may have lower life expectancy and greater risk of stroke than those who live in quieter areas. About Floxin (Ofloxacin) without Rx These are the findings of a new study published in the European Heart Journal. Living in areas with road traffic noise above 60 dB has been linked to greater risk of all-cause mortality and stroke. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), daytime community noise can be harmful to human health when it reaches above 55 decibels (dB). Persantine (Dipyridamole) with no prescription Millions of people living in urban areas around the world, however, are exposed to daytime noise well above this level. A 2014 study published in Environmental Health Perspectives estimated that around 104 million Americans - around 50% of the US population - have annual exposures to traffic noise at levels above 70 dB. As well as increasing the risk of hearing impairment, exposure to loud noise has been linked to numerous other health problems. About Bupron SR (Bupropion ) with no prescription In October 2013, for example, a study associated noise from aircrafts to greater risk of cardiovascular disease, while a more recent study linked noise pollution with increased waist size. Now, Dr. About Apo-Nadolol with free prescription Jaana Halonen, of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the UK, and colleagues have added to the list of noise-associated health risks, finding long-term exposure to noise from road traffic may reduce mortality and increase stroke risk. To reach their findings, Dr. About Serevent (Salmeterol) without Rx Halonen and colleagues investigated how long-term exposure to road traffic noise impacted hospital admissions and life expectancy among 8.6 million people living in London between 2003 and 2010. Using the TRAffic Noise EXposure (TRANEX) model, the team assessed levels of daytime road traffic noise (7am - 11pm) over different areas of the city, as well as levels of nighttime road traffic noise (11pm - 7 am). The researchers then compared this information with the number of deaths and hospital admissions that occurred in 2003-10 among individuals aged 25-74 and 75 and older. Road traffic noise above 60 dB linked to 4% greater risk of all-cause mortality During the study period, the researchers identified 442,560 deaths from all causes, of which 291,139 occurred among elderly individuals. Buy Children's Cold and Flu online Cardiovascular problems were the cause of hospital admission for 400,494 adults between 2003-10, of whom 179,163 were elderly. Compared with individuals who lived in areas where road traffic noise levels were below 55 dB, those who lived in areas where road traffic noise reached above 60 dB were found to be at 4% greater risk of all-cause mortality. Dr. Halonen and colleagues say this increased risk death is most likely due to cardiovascular problems that have been triggered by increased blood pressure, stress and sleep problems as a result of road traffic noise. The researchers also found that adults aged 25-74 who lived in areas where traffic noise was above 60 dB were at 5% greater risk of stroke, while the risk was even higher for elderly adults, at 9%. Nighttime road traffic noise at 55-60 dB was also associated with a 5% increased stroke risk among elderly individuals, though nighttime road traffic noise was not linked to greater stroke risk among younger adults. Commenting on their findings, the researchers say: "This is the largest study to date to investigate environmental noise and cardiovascular disease in the general population. Results suggested small increased population risks of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, particularly of stroke in the elderly, at moderate levels of road noise exposure. Findings are consistent with the larger body of evidence linking traffic noise exposure with hypertension." The team notes that their findings may not apply to people on an individual level, explaining that they were unable to adjust the results for individual-level confounders, such as health behaviors, socioeconomic status and other cardiovascular risk factors. Still, the study supports previous research suggesting that long-term exposure to road traffic noise may negatively impact health. Written by Honor Whiteman

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Diets high in fat, sugar may reduce cognitive functioning by altering gut bacteria

A diet high in fat or sugar may do more than expand our waistlines. Detrol La (Tolterodine) without Rx A new study by researchers from Oregon State University finds such diets may lead to reduced cognitive functioning, with a high-sugar diet named as the biggest culprit. The team found diets high in sugar or fat triggered alterations to the gut microbiome linked to reduced cognitive functioning. Published in the journal Neuroscience, the study reveals that high-fat and high-sugar diets trigger changes in gut bacteria that are largely associated with loss of "cognitive flexibility" - the ability to adapt to changing situations. In addition, the high-sugar diet was associated with poorer short- and long-term memory. Principal investigator Prof. Buy Rhinocort (Budesonide) with no prescription Kathy Magnusson, of the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State, notes there is an increasing amount of evidence emerging that gut bacteria can communicate with the brain. "Bacteria can release compounds that act as neurotransmitters, stimulate sensory nerves or the immune system, and affect a wide range of biological functions," Prof. Prevacid (Lansoprazole) Magnusson explains. Amitrip "We re not sure just what messages are being sent, but we are tracking down the pathways and the effects." One example of how gut bacteria may interact with the brain was revealed in a study published in the journal Cell in April, in which researchers from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) found that gut bacteria influence the production of serotonin - a neurotransmitter responsible for maintaining mood balance. Reduced cognitive flexibility with high-fat, high-sugar diets Prof. Buy Super Hard ON (Sildenafil with Dapoxetine) with no Rx Magnusson and colleagues reached their findings using 2-month-old male mice, which were randomized to be fed either a high-fat diet (42% fat, 43% carbohydrate), a high-sugar diet (12% fat, 70% carbohydrate - mainly from sugars) or normal chow. Prior to dietary intervention and 2 weeks after, the researchers analyzed the feces of the mice in order to establish the composition of their gut bacteria. The short- and long-term memory and cognitive flexibility of the mice were assessed before and after dietary intervention via water maze testing and novel object and location tasks. Compared with mice fed normal chow, mice fed the high-fat or high-sugar diets experienced a significant reduction in cognitive functioning - particularly in cognitive flexibility. Explaining what cognitive flexibility is, Prof. Buy Calcium Lactate online Magnusson asks us to imagine driving home using a route that is very familiar. One day, the road is closed, meaning we need to find a different route. An individual with a high level of cognitive flexibility would adapt to the situation straight away, immediately seeking out an alternative route. But a person with impaired cognitive flexibility may find the unexpected change in situation very stressful, causing them to become flustered and take longer getting home. Reduction in cognitive flexibility was strongest for mice fed the high-sugar diet, according to the researchers, and this diet was also found to reduce short- and long-term memory. Diets altered gut microbiome of mice The team believes the reduction in cognitive functioning following diets high in fat or sugar was driven by alterations to the composition of gut bacteria, or the gut microbiome. Both diets were linked to an increase in bacteria called Clostridiales and a reduction in bacteria known as Bacteroidales, with such changes associated with reduced cognitive flexibility. Mice fed the high-sugar diet experienced the highest increases in Clostridiales and the biggest reductions in Bacteroidales, consistent with the largest reductions in cognitive flexibility. The team says their findings are consistent with some previous studies suggesting that a Western diet - typically high in fat and sugar - may negatively impact cognitive functioning. Past research has associated a Western diet with greater risk of Alzheimer s disease, for example. Their study indicates that such a diet may affect cognitive functioning via alteration of the gut microbiome. Prof. Magnusson says: "We ve known for a while that too much fat and sugar are not good for you. This work suggests that fat and sugar are altering your healthy bacterial systems, and that s one of the reasons those foods aren t good for you. It s not just the food that could be influencing your brain, but an interaction between the food and microbial changes." Medical News Today recently reported on a study in which researchers have identified a gut microbe - Akkermansia muciniphila - that could prove effective for improving leanness and metabolic health among people who are overweight or obese. Written by Honor Whiteman

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Health improves when teens exercise like young kids, research shows

Health experts advise that children and teenagers should do at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. About Cialis Super Force (Tadalafil + Dapoxetine) with free prescription This can accumulate over the day - for example cycling to school, walking or running around during the recess, and doing sports and gymnastics. About Tadacip (Tadalafil) with no Rx Now, a new study of teenagers shows that the intensity of short bursts of activity makes a difference to health outcomes. The study shows that as little 2 minutes of high-intensity exercise four times a day had a more beneficial effect on teens health measures than moderate intensity activity. Researchers at the University of Exeter in the UK concluded that when adolescents accumulate exercise over the day, short bouts of intense activity have a more beneficial effect on health than shorts bouts of less intense activity. Reporting in the journal Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental, they show how as little 2 minutes of high-intensity exercise four times a day had a more beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, fat metabolism and blood pressure - measured after eating a fatty meal - than the same amount of moderate intensity exercise. Senior author Dr. Buy VigRX Plus () Alan Barker, a lecturer in pediatric exercise and health at Exeter, says: "Children and adolescents tend to perform brief bouts of exercise. Alfacalcidol with free prescription This study shows that the intensity of this pattern of exercise is important, with high-intensity providing superior health benefits than moderate-intensity exercise." For the study, the team examined 19 teenagers blood sugar, systolic blood pressure and fat oxidation at regular intervals over 3 days, during which the youngsters consumed a high fat milkshake for breakfast and lunch. Buy Trental (Pentoxifylline) with no Rx The participants were 9 male and 10 female 13-year-olds. During the 3 days, the participants completed three different exercise patterns in random order: rest, four bouts of high-intensity, and four bouts of moderate intensity exercise performed on exercise bikes. Buy Blood Detox online On exercise days, the bouts were done 2 hours apart. During the bouts of exercise, the participants performed the same amount of work - so the researchers could examine the effect of intensity alone. Adds to growing evidence that high-intensity exercise is more beneficial to heart health The authors found that neither type of exercise changed levels of excess fat in the blood. However, brief bouts of high-intensity exercise - but not moderate-intensity exercise - reduced blood sugar and systolic blood pressure, and increased fat metabolism in the teen boys and girls. They conclude: "The intensity of accumulated exercise may therefore have important implications for health outcomes in youth." The study adds to a growing body of evidence that suggests accumulating short bursts of high-intensity exercise may be more important for heart health than accumulating moderate intensity exercise. This is important because heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and the drivers start when we are young. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that children and teenagers in the US should be physically active for at least 1 hour a day. Most of the daily exercise should be aerobic to help healthy development of the heart, lungs and blood vessels, but there should also be some that strengthens muscles and bones. Aerobic activity includes, for example, brisk walking (moderate intensity) and running (high intensity). Muscle strengthening activity includes gymnastics and push-ups, and bone-strengthening activity includes jumping rope and running. Parents concerned about their children not getting enough exercise may consider enrolling them for dance classes. However, MNT recently learned of a study from the University of California - San Diego School of Medicine that found most of kids time in youth dance classes is inactive, suggesting parents should be careful about selecting the right dance class for their kids. Written by Catharine Paddock PhD

Monday, June 22, 2015

AOBiome Announces Start of First Clinical Trial with Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria-Based Therapeutic for Treatment of Acne

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AOBiome today announced it has begun a Phase 2 clinical trial with a therapeutic product candidate based on its proprietary ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) for the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris. Buy Azelex (Azelaic Acid) with no Rx The trial with the product candidate, B244, is being conducted under an IND application to the FDA and is the first to test the potential of live bacteria to treat skin disease. ”B244 is classified as a ‘live-topical’, a brand new class of therapeutics to address skin diseases that capitalize on advances in understanding of the skin microbiome and the role of AOB’s play in restoring skin health,” said Spiros Jamas, ScD, AOBiome’s CEO. Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) with no prescription “This initial clinical trial builds on preclinical studies demonstrating B244’s antibacterial activity and suggesting that B244 acts through multiple mechanisms thereby reducing levels of bacteria linked to acne, and reducing inflammation. About Kamagra Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) with free Rx The acne trial is the first of several indications we expect to pursue with B244 across a variety of skin disorders. “There is an important need for new acne treatments,” Dr. Adefin without Rx Jamas, noted. Buy Viagra Strong Pack-40 () with free prescription ”Current treatments, including cleansers and therapeutics often provide partial symptomatic relief but with risk of significant adverse effects. Buy Athlete's Multi Vitamin online They also can exacerbate the condition by removing beneficial microbial species.” AOB are a ubiquitous beneficial species of bacteria that convert ammonia from sweat into nitrite, which is antibacterial, and nitric oxide, and important signaling molecule with anti-inflammatory activities. Studies have shown that AOB reside on the skin and in sweat glands and hair follicles, in close proximity to their energy source. AOB also produce a beneficial reduction in pH by reducing ammonia levels. AOB are however eliminated by most soaps. AOBiome’s therapeutic strategy is based on restoring AOB to the skin microbiome. B244 incorporates a single strain of AOB, Nitrosomonas eutropha D23, selected for its anti-bacterial activity. In preclinical studies, B244 produced reductions in levels of pathogenic bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes, the species linked to acne and improved healing of damaged skin. In addition to preclinical safety studies, Nitrosomonas eutropha D23 was safe and well tolerated in a human cosmetic safety study. The Phase 2 clinical study is a randomized, placebo controlled, multiple ascending dose trial involving 36 patents randomized to receive B244 or placebo. The primary endpoints are safety and tolerability. The study’s secondary endpoints include several measures of activity, including investigator global assessment, the number of inflammatory lesions and quality of life. About AOBiome AOBiome is developing a transformative, new class of products based on Ammonia Oxidizing Bacteria (AOB) to improve skin health and prevent or treat skin diseases. The company’s topical products are designed to provide benefits by restoring the natural, protective balance afforded by beneficial skin microbes that have been lost due to modern living practices, including antibiotic use, soaps, and shampoos. AOB are ubiquitous bacteria that oxidize ammonia and urea in sweat, to nitrite, an anti-microbial compound, and nitric oxide, a well documented signaling molecule in the inflammatory process. AOBiome is developing a pipeline of topical biologics to treat acne, eczema, rosacea and other inflammatory skin diseases. Learn more at

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Accidental pregnancies 'dramatically reduced' by IUD and implant counseling

A new study conducted by researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, in association with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, found that, over the course of a year, the number of unintended pregnancies was reduced "dramatically" by training health care workers to counsel young women on the benefits of intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants. Intrauterine devices and contraceptive implants - also known as long-acting reversible contraceptives - are known to be more effective than condoms or the pill. Forty Planned Parenthood centers across the US and 1,500 women between the ages of 18 and 25 took part in the study, published in The Lancet. About Aggrenox (Aspirin - Dipyridamole) with no prescription The authors say that the study is the first randomized trial of a clinic-based intervention to tackle the issue of unintended pregnancies, which account for about half of all pregnancies in the country. Though intrauterine devices (IUDs) and contraceptive implants - also known as long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) - are known to be more effective than condoms or the pill, health care providers do not routinely include them in contraceptive counseling. This is despite the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommending since 2009 that LARC methods should be used as first-line contraceptives for most women, due to their safety and high efficacy. Zestoretic (Lisinopril-Hctz) without prescription Previous surveys have shown that just: 38% of doctors in the US offer LARCs to adolescents 53% offer them to women without children 25% offer them to women after abortion. In the new study, half of the health centers were randomly assigned to receive training in LARC counseling, while the other half continued delivering their usual care plan. About Cialis Professional (Tadalafil) with free Rx The women who took part in the study were all receiving contraceptive counseling because they did not want to become pregnant in the next 12 months. Less than 1% of LARC users become pregnant over the course of a year The health care workers trained in LARC counseling informed women that less than 1% of women using LARCs become pregnant over the course of a year, compared with 9% of women on the pill and 18% of women whose male partners use condoms. Overall, 71% of health care workers randomized into the intervention discussed LARC methods with their patients, compared with 39% of health care workers in the control group. About Accupril without Rx The researchers found that 28% of women in the intervention group chose LARC methods, compared with 17% in the intervention group. Among the women who attended Planned Parenthood clinics seeking family planning services following this training, unintended pregnancies fell from 15 to 8 per 100 women over the course of a year. Given that the intervention demonstrates what would seem to be a clear benefit for LARC methods, why are they not more routinely recommended in health care? The study authors point out that LARCs are expensive, and nearly 38% of the women in the study did not have medical insurance. Buy Zerit (Stavudine) without prescription However, although implant devices may cost up to $1,000, the authors point out that these methods work out cheaper than the pill over time, as they do not need to be resupplied. Dr. Buy Almond Oil Soap online Carolyn Westhoff, senior medical advisor at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, says of the findings: "This study shows how important it is that women s health care providers have full information about available birth control methods and are trained to provide all of these methods to patients at the same visit. It s one very important part of making sure that women can have the birth control of their choosing - without any barriers." Last year, a study conducted in the UK and published in the International Journal of Women s Health, found a correlation between a decrease in teenage pregnancies under the age of 18 between 1998 and 2011 (from 46.6 to 30.7 per 1,000 women) and an 89.7% increase in LARC usage over the same period. Written by David McNamee